My Professional Journey
With 17+ years of professional experience as a management consultant and change agent in the legal industry, working alongside some incredible and intentional leaders, I have the honor of being able to empower and partner with leaders to impact their teams, their organization and this world with intentional purpose-driven change!
Currently serving both in the role of Vice President of Talent and Transformation at K2 Services LLC as well as a public speaker, trainer and facilitator of intentional leadership, I bring together the wisdom and knowledge of awareness and empowerment with the practical skills of collaborative communication, intentional ownership, and purpose-driven leadership.
My formal training includes BA in Economics and Honor in Business Administration degrees, Legal Lean Six Sigma, Certified Instructional Designer and Training Facilitator (ATD), Certified Leadership Coach (iPEC), Certified Yoga and Mindfulness teacher (YA200). My informal (real) training includes being a mother of three, overcoming a number of life changing experiences and still waking up each day filled with hope and gratitude!

“Shifting from embracing change to embodying change is critical for all intentional leaders. The ability to inspire, impact and create change in the world around us, requires a leader to be the change first.”
Immersive Workshops, Experiences & Retreats
Empowering groups and teams to live and lead with intention.
Immersive experiences bring concepts, theories, and teachings into the visceral learning level through engagement, exercises, and reflection.
The impact of these workshops, experiences, and retreats begin during our time together but continue through each day following the immersive experience.
These customized experiences are tailored to the goals of the group and organization; creating real tangible impact to the day-to-day working lives of the leaders and participants.

Empowerment Coaching
Empowerment Coaching taps into ones inner leader and provides the perfect guidance, plan, and solution for one’s leadership journey.
Through the empowerment coaching experience, intentional leaders define their purpose, map their path and walk their journey. On any journey, supplies and tools are critical to make it to our destination. On this journey of life, partnering with an empowerment coach completes your toolbox.
1:1 coaching helps guide the process of defining and executing one’s personal and professional intentional leadership and well-being goals.
Impact Wellbeing Programs
Customized wellbeing programs create sustainable change through organizational and individual wellness practices.
To be the change we want to see in the world and to be empowered to take this intentional leadership journey, our well-being is essential.
Wellness in the four pillars of body + mind + heart + soul, empowers leaders to live in their full potential. To build our wellness muscle, like building any muscle, it takes intention, determination, and consistency.

Where The Magic Happens!

The Impact
The Leader
- Increasing Performance
- Enhanced Productivity
- Higher Career Satisfaction
- Improving Mental Wellness
The Organization
- Increased Employee Retention
- Enhanced Success of Change Initiatives + Organizational Development Programs
- Fostering a Culture of Collaboration
The Community
- Increasing Client Satisfaction & Retention Rates
- Greater Community Awareness
- Impacting the World with Purpose
My Personal Journey
My story starts in the vibrant, multi-cultural mosaic city of Toronto, Canada. Daughter of Chinese/Filipino immigrants, where hard work, perseverance, pushing boundaries, embracing change and challenges took me through Canada’s top business school, traveled the globe, carried and continues to care for three young children while at the same time pushing through corporate America as a management consultant for nearly two decades.
In my late thirties, although outsiders would have observed my life to be perfect – successful career, three beautiful children, dream home, my reality was very different. In a pivotal moment, I came face to face with the awakening symptoms of a severely imbalanced life of always doing, proving and pleasing; the symptoms of mental, spiritual and physical dis-ease. The calling to surrender came. Although unsure of what ‘surrender’ even entailed, I openly and willingly surrendered as all I knew in that moment was that the speed and caliber at which I was moving was no longer sustainable.
Surrender was a foreign concept to me – it also triggered a sense of dis-empowerment. Each day I held the intention to be open and willing to allow every moment, sign and message to guide me, teach me and carry me through. In surrender to God, the universe, the divine, I began the soul journey to evolve, transform and heal. At the beginning of my journey something was telling me I was embarking on this journey to save my life. At that time, I didn’t understand what that meant.
Soon I would understand. Through epic crucible experiences, including discovering a brain tumor, surviving intensive brain surgery and radiation therapy. My personal journey continues to feed my professional journey through purpose-driven leadership, embodying change and practicing my wellbeing muscles.
and the journey continues…